Released in 1987, Predator is an interesting blend of action, science-fiction and Reagan-era machismo. Featuring then box-office king Arnold Schwarzenegger and directed by John McTiernan, who would later direct the Die Hard films, Predator is a relatively solid film with only few glaring problems that keep it from being a classic.
Schwarzenegger plays Dutch Schaeffer, leader of a group of commandos specializing in rescue operations. Major Dillon (Carl Weathers), one of Dutch’s old friends and now a member of the CIA, recruits Dutch and his squad to carry out a secret mission in Central America. Once they arrive, they discover that someone or something is hunting them down one-by-one.
The concept is fairly simple but it’s handled well and the suspense is kept at a decent level. The militaristic nature of the film allows for some decent action sequences at the beginning as the squad carries out their mission. As they’re hunted, the movie switches gears into horror fare.
The only real problem with the film is the over-the-top testosterone level as each character in Dutch’s squad tries to “out macho” each other. The performances aren’t the best but this is a Schwarzenegger movie — and he’s never been a grade-A actor by any stretch of the imagination — so that aspect doesn’t really dampen the fun.
It’s an action movie that delivers action, thrills and some decent special effects that stand-up fairly well despite being over twenty years old. One can’t ask for much more than that.
Predator spawned two sequels, 1990’s Predator II and 2004’s Alien vs. Predator.
3.5 out of 5.0 stars
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