When a young female ninja named Ayame teams with two other ninjas from different schools to defeat a half-demon named Lord Nobunaga Oda, it plunges feudal Japan into a bloody war. The three young ninjas possess sacred weapons that are the only hope in defeating the crazed warlord. Unfortunately, itContinue Reading

When this film was originally released in theaters, I shrugged it off as another hype-fueled marketing ploy to sell everything from Happy Meals to bedspreads, all adorned with the smiling faces of Bugs Bunny and Michael Jordan. Fortunately, I happened to catch this gem of a movie on cable, whileContinue Reading

Antz (1998)

The first of Hollywood’s computer animated bug movies has arrived in theaters. Dreamworks’ Antz proceeds A Bug’s Life, from Disney, by almost two months. One shouldn’t confuse the two. Antz is aimed squarely at adults, while A Bug’s Life is targeted directly at children, with a little humor to keepContinue Reading

When I wrote my review of Vampire Hunter D, I mentioned my nervousness regarding anime. I’m relatively new to the genre in that I’ve not watched much of it. I enjoyed Vampire Hunter D quite a bit, but found the English dubbing less-than-adequate. Well, I’ve found an example of animeContinue Reading

There are bad movies that are bad because they’re simply flawed and there are bad movies that seem to go out of their way to be agonizingly awful. Cool World seems to be the latter. The story, such as it is, involves a cartoon alternate universe called Cool World. It’sContinue Reading

In the not-too-distant future, humans can be augmented with robotic parts. These robotic bodies are called “shells” and the part that is most commonly referred to as the soul is called the “ghost.” A person’s ghost can be transferred from one shell to another if their shell breaks down orContinue Reading