Marty (1955)

It always amazes me when someone who self-identifies as a “film fan” refuses to watch a movie that’s filmed in black and white. To disavow movies simply because they “look old” is to miss out on a wide range of perspectives, history, and knowledge. Not to sound like a completeContinue Reading

The Replacements (2000)

Typically, sports comedies are extremely formulaic. You usually have a band of lovable losers trying to gel as a team to overcome seemingly overwhelming odds. It’s a reliable formula that appeals to those of us who like to cheer for the underdog. It also provides plenty of opportunities to putContinue Reading

As a very young man, Calvin Weir-Fields (Paul Dano) wrote a critically and financially successful novel. He has been unable to recreate that same success with a follow-up. Actually, he hasn’t even attempted a follow-up. Feeling the pressure of his creative slump and the stress it’s put on his romanticContinue Reading

The Last Supper (1995)

Imagine you’re a time-traveler. It’s 1909 and you’re in Austria. You meet a young art student named Adolf in a pub. He hasn’t done anything wrong yet. But you know he will. Do you kill him and save millions of lives? Or do you let him live? This is the questionContinue Reading

Harlem Nights (1989)

30 years ago, Eddie Murphy was at the pinnacle of his career. His star-making tenure on Saturday Night Live was behind him and he’d had a string of box-office hits, including Beverly Hills Cop and Coming to America. He was selling millions of comedy albums and he’d had a hitContinue Reading

Zombie movies have overtaken the Earth much like zombies are frequently portrayed as doing in said movies. Zombies have been featured in films that range from pure horror like Night of the Living Dead to teen romance like Warm Bodies. When writer/director Jim Jarmusch’s The Dead Don’t Die was announced, IContinue Reading

It’s impossible for me to review 1986’s Trick or Treat without giving some context. When this film was released to theaters in October, 1986, I was a freshman in college. I was a devout heavy metal fan and had read about this movie for months in heavy metal magazines ofContinue Reading