Godzilla (1998)

In the May 23, 1998 issue of TV Guide, director Roland Emmerich is quoted as saying that “if people don’t like the characters, they won’t want to watch the explosions.” In Emmerich’s new version of Godzilla, one wishes the characters would explode so as to free the audience from having toContinue Reading

This Americanized version of the 1954 Japanese release, Gojira, inserts Raymond Burr as Steve Martin, a reporter who just happens to stop in Tokyo when Godzilla makes his first appearance. When ships start mysteriously bursting into flames, an expedition is made to a small island south of Japan. While there, aContinue Reading

Well, I have to confess something up front before I write this review. I am a dyed-in-the-wool Godzilla fan. I actually own King Kong vs. Godzilla on videotape. Okay, how’s that for sad? Now, I realize that Godzilla films can be viewed in two ways: 1.) As really awful and cheap-looking kiddieContinue Reading