The Raven (2012)

The Raven was directed by James McTeigue, known for V for Vendetta. The film tells a fictionalized tale of the last days of Edgar Allan Poe in 1849 Baltimore. In this story, there’s a serial killer (a term the film uses 70 years before it was invented) who murders peopleContinue Reading

Maniac Cop (1988)

Two of my favorite genre actors are Tom Atkins (Night of the Creeps) and Bruce Campbell (Bubba Ho-Tep). Both are capable of livening up any film in which they’re cast. To see that they appeared in a movie together was like a dream come true. Unfortunately, in 1988’s Maniac Cop,Continue Reading

Money Plane (2020)

Money Plane, a low-budget action movie released in 2020, features professional wrestler Adam “Edge” Copeland as Jack Reese, a former gambler who now steals paintings. Or something. That’s how we’re introduced to the character along with his “crew.” They’re trying to break into a warehouse to steal a painting forContinue Reading

Suburbia (1983)

I was never into the punk scene. I didn’t understand it as a kid. And, I never related to it. I was more of a metalhead. Although, I grew up in a blue collar small town and not a suburb. Maybe that made a difference? I don’t know. But, afterContinue Reading

To Catch a Killer (2023)

To Catch a Killer opens in Baltimore on New Year’s Eve. As celebratory fireworks ring in the new year, a sniper uses the noise to mask a mass shooting. 29 seemingly random people are gunned down for no apparent reason. The only common thread is the almost inhuman accuracy ofContinue Reading

JFK (1991)

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 is one of the most polarizing events in United States history. Some people believe it was a coup d’état by insidious forces within the U.S. government. Others think it was the act of a lone gunman who had someContinue Reading

Lone Wolf McQuade (1983)

Chuck Norris was the first big American action star of the 1980s. His career started in the 1960s, but it wasn’t until the late 1970s and early 80s that he became a household name. With his disco-era good looks and his martial arts prowess, Norris punched and kicked his wayContinue Reading