The Dark Hobby (2021)

One might think that keeping a home salt water aquarium is a harmless way to enjoy the beauty of the sea. Paula Fouce’s documentary, The Dark Hobby, reveals how the fish that stock hobbyist aquariums are obtained and the negative impact that their unregulated collection has on the oceans. ItContinue Reading

The River and the Wall (2019)

For as long as I can remember, the United States has had an ongoing struggle regarding illegal immigrants crossing the U.S./Mexico border. Without getting partisan, many solutions have been proposed and implemented and each has had varying degrees of success. In 2015, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump made a campaign promiseContinue Reading

Mean Man: The Story of Chris Holmes (2021)

If you’ve seen the 1988 documentary The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years, you probably remember the interview with W.A.S.P. guitarist Chris Holmes. As he floated in a swimming pool, fully clothed, and obviously drunk, Holmes guzzled a bottle of vodka, and labeled himself a “full blownContinue Reading

Console Wars (2020)

One of the most interesting times in the relatively short history of video games is the 1990s. As the decade dawned, Nintendo had risen from the ashes of the industry crash in the late 1980s to become the dominant video game company. Nintendo threw its weight around like a sumoContinue Reading

Jasper Mall (2020)

If you have been to a shopping mall lately, chances are it doesn’t look anything like it did in the 1980s or 1990s. The bustling and vibrant atmosphere has been replaced by vacant storefronts, dimmed lights, and abandoned anchor stores. (I know there are exceptions to this but, by andContinue Reading