Mighty Joe Young (1949)

1949’s Mighty Joe Young is a fascinating entry in the giant ape genre, often considered a spiritual successor to 1933’s King Kong and Son of Kong. The film brings together much of the same creative team, including producer Merian C. Cooper, screenwriter Ruth Rose, and director Ernest B. Schoedsack. SpecialContinue Reading

Lone Survivor (2013)

Lone Survivor, directed by Peter Berg and based on the true story of Operation Red Wings, is a gripping and intense war film that serves as a tribute to the bravery of Navy SEALs. Starring Mark Wahlberg, Emile Hirsch, Ben Foster, and Taylor Kitsch, the film delivers strong performances thatContinue Reading

Rocky (1976)

When it comes to iconic films that epitomize the American spirit, few can match the enduring legacy of Rocky. Released in 1976, this classic tale of grit and determination was written by and stars Sylvester Stallone. Though often overshadowed by its sequels, the original Rocky stands as a heartfelt andContinue Reading

Night Creatures (1962)

Nestled inside an eight Blu-ray collection of Hammer Horror movies I own is 1962’s Night Creatures. When I chose it for this year’s Halloween Fifteen, I assumed it was a horror film. Known as Captain Clegg outside the United States, Night Creatures is actually more of an action/adventure film withContinue Reading

Werewolf of London (1935)

When I was a kid, I remember seeing pictures of the werewolf makeup from 1935’s Werewolf of London in books and thinking it looked much better than the Lon Chaney version. That might be the case in still photos, but almost everything else about this precursor to 1941’s The WolfContinue Reading

Under Paris (2024)

Under Paris, a French shark horror film, briefly dominated Netflix’s most-watched movies chart in the spring of 2024. Could this entry into the already-crowded shark flick market rise above the competition or is it just another stinker? Having just watched the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, which took placeContinue Reading

Suburbia (1983)

I was never into the punk scene. I didn’t understand it as a kid. And, I never related to it. I was more of a metalhead. Although, I grew up in a blue collar small town and not a suburb. Maybe that made a difference? I don’t know. But, afterContinue Reading