I’ve always been something of a Kennedy Assassination buff. My dad had a hardbound summary of the Warren Commission Report that I must have gone over hundreds of times when I was a kid. As I grew up, I watched every documentary and news special about that fateful day IContinue Reading

Martin (1977)

Martin (John Amplas) is a deeply disturbed young man. He arrives in the small town of Braddock, Pennsylvania to live with his much older cousin, Tada Cuda (Lincoln Maazel.) Cuda is convinced that Martin is one of three “nosferatu” — or vampires — that have stained his family’s name overContinue Reading

Taking place in the years following World War I, The Great Waldo Pepper stars Robert Redford as the titular character. Pepper is a former wartime flight instructor who, having missed an opportunity to take on Germany’s air aces in the war, tries to make a name for himself as aContinue Reading

Second year grad student Lucy (Brittany Snow) is traveling home to Brooklyn with her new boyfriend, Jose (Arturo Castro.) When the couple arrive at the subway station, things seem off. It’s deserted and an announcement informs them that the station is no longer in operation. Suddenly, a man engulfed inContinue Reading

Despite its name rarely being mentioned outside horror fan circles, Charles B. Pierce’s The Town That Dreaded Sundown is arguably responsible for more 1980s slasher film tropes than Halloween and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre combined. In a docu-drama style, the movie tells a fictionalized version of the Texarkana Moonlight MurdersContinue Reading

While attending college in 1993, I had the privilege of meeting Robert Ballard, the man who discovered the wreckage of the doomed White Star liner, RMS Titanic, in 1985. It was fascinating to hear him speak about his adventures. Up until his discovery of Titanic’s wreckage in the North Atlantic,Continue Reading

You Were Never Really Here defies logic by being borderline incoherent yet remaining entirely gripping and immensely watchable. Joaquin Phoenix stars as Joe, a grizzled veteran of a recent war (I’m assuming Iraq or Afghanistan), who now lives with and cares for his elderly mother (Judith Roberts).  He suffers from post-traumaticContinue Reading