Have you heard the name Chiwetel Ejiofor before? Well, if there’s any justice in the world, you’ll hear it again at the Academy Awards ceremony in March, 2004. If you want to see the best male acting performance of the year (so far), you’ll find it in Stephen Frears’ DirtyContinue Reading

Martin Scorsese has made some great films over the course of his career. GoodFellas, Raging Bull, and Taxi Driver are some of the better films ever made. Of course, he’s made some career missteps too, like Bringing Out the Dead, Michael Jackson’s “Bad” video and, yes, Gangs of New York. Gangs of New York looks asContinue Reading

For some, Steven Spielberg’s 1993 film Schindler’s List is the benchmark of Holocaust-themed movies. That may have changed. The Pianist, which marks the return to form of director Roman Polanski, chronicles one man’s escape from certain death into an uncertain day-to-day existence in the hell that was the Warsaw ghetto.Continue Reading

Ana (America Ferrara) has just graduated from high school. When her schoolmates talk about their plans to go on to college, she tries to change the subject. Although she is a bright student and a hard worker, she has no post-high school plans for her education. It’s not that sheContinue Reading

Emperor's Club (2002)

When I first heard of the plot of The Emperor’s Club, my thoughts were along the lines of “Oh, great, a Dead Poet’s Society rip-off.” You know the type of movie I mean. The type where a teacher goes head-to-head with a group of students and slowly wins them overContinue Reading

Pump Up the Volume (1990)

From the basement of an otherwise innocent looking suburban Arizona household, a voice travels on the radio waves that decries all that is sacred in the world. The government is corrupt. School is a joke. But at the root of all of his ranting, this voice has a message. PeopleContinue Reading

If you’ve been anticipating Punch-Drunk Love as the latest in Adam Sandler’s long line of dumb comedies, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. If, and this is a big if, you’ve been waiting for Adam Sandler to prove he’s got acting chops, you’re in luck. Paul Thomas Anderson, writer andContinue Reading