Donnie Brasco (1996)

Movies about the Mafia usually end up either making the mobsters into heroes or degenerating them into caricatures. Donnie Brasco shows the human side of the Mafia, which makes it seem all the more brutal. Johnny Depp plays Joseph Pistone, an undercover FBI agent sent to infiltrate the mob. AsContinue Reading

Edward D. Wood, Jr is widely considered one of the worst directors that Hollywood has ever come in contact with. Before viewing this fact-based bio-pic, one might simply think that Wood was just a guy with no real idea of what he was doing. After viewing this movie, you’ll beContinue Reading

To label Jacob’s Ladder as a horror film does it an immense disservice. It’s a psychological/philosophical thriller/drama. How’s that for a label? Actually, it still doesn’t do the film justice. The film takes place in the early 1970’s and tells the story of Jacob Singer (Tim Robbins), who was wounded in Vietnam. RecentlyContinue Reading