Mighty Joe Young (1949)

1949’s Mighty Joe Young is a fascinating entry in the giant ape genre, often considered a spiritual successor to 1933’s King Kong and Son of Kong. The film brings together much of the same creative team, including producer Merian C. Cooper, screenwriter Ruth Rose, and director Ernest B. Schoedsack. SpecialContinue Reading

Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror (1922)

Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror is a silent film from 1922, and it’s an unauthorized adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. The studio behind it, along with director F.W. Murnau, was sued, and all prints were ordered destroyed. Luckily, several copies were distributed internationally and survived to this day. That’s aContinue Reading

The Dark Crystal (1982)

The Dark Crystal is a film directed by Jim Henson and Frank Oz. Based on a story by Jim Henson, with a screenplay by Dave Odell, this movie features conceptual design work by Brian Froud. It presents a simple fantasy story set on a planet referred to as “another world,”Continue Reading

Krull (1983)

During the summer of 1983, it was hard to escape the hype of Krull, an epic fantasy adventure movie that was heralded by marketing campaigns as the next Star Wars. Ads appeared on the back of comic books and Starlog magazine. Basically, anywhere a young nerd like myself would beContinue Reading

The Nines (2007)

When a movie uses flashbacks or flash-forwards, there’s usually a reason. A non-linear timeline can serve many purposes. It can hide sloppy writing. It can remind the viewer of what has happened previously. It can mask a plot twist. Or, as in the case of 2007’s The Nines, it canContinue Reading