Zombie movies have overtaken the Earth much like zombies are frequently portrayed as doing in said movies. Zombies have been featured in films that range from pure horror like Night of the Living Dead to teen romance like Warm Bodies. When writer/director Jim Jarmusch’s The Dead Don’t Die was announced, IContinue Reading

For three years, young Tony (Simon Nash) has been having bad dreams about his father’s disappearance. Tony believes that his dad was taken into the sky by a beam of light. Tony’s mother, Rachel (Beatrice Steger,) thinks that he merely walked out on them. She’s moved on and has aContinue Reading

1963’s Blood Feast is well-known (and deservedly so) for essentially creating the template for the modern “splatter” film. There is no doubt in my mind that make-up artists like Tom Savini (Dawn of the Dead) and Rick Baker (An American Werewolf in London) would have chosen other career paths hadContinue Reading

Larry Stanford (Peter Dyneley) is an international reporter assigned to cover the work of Dr. Robert Suzuki (Tetsu Nakamura,) who has supposedly made progress in the study of evolution. Stanford goes to Suzuki’s lab for an interview. The lab — which is curiously located in a remote, mountainous area outsideContinue Reading

It’s impossible for me to review 1986’s Trick or Treat without giving some context. When this film was released to theaters in October, 1986, I was a freshman in college. I was a devout heavy metal fan and had read about this movie for months in heavy metal magazines ofContinue Reading

It Follows (2014)

One of the best-known slasher film tropes is that those who engage in casual sex are marked for death. David Robert Mitchell’s It Follows takes that clichĂ© one step further. For one partner, having sex passes a mark of death onto the other. The recipient has to have sex withContinue Reading