Introverted Andrew (Dane DeHaan) lives with his alcoholic father (Michael Kelly) and bed-ridden mother (Bo Petersen) in a bad neighborhood. He has recently purchased a used video camera and has begun filming everything in his life, including his father’s violent outbursts and his daily beatdown at the hands of bulliesContinue Reading

Apollo 18 (2011)

Apollo 18 is yet another entry in the increasingly crowded sub-genre of film known as “found footage.” These are movies that ask the viewer to understand that what they’re seeing was filmed by the protagonists themselves. Most of these movies also ask the viewer to accept that the fate ofContinue Reading

In the near future, the world’s energy problems have led humanity to develop a way to harness the power found within helium-3, a clean and abundant fuel source found on the surface of the moon. A company called Lunar Industries maintains Sarang, a mining base on the dark side ofContinue Reading

Avatar (2009)

Taking place in 2154, Avatar introduces us to the Na’vi, a race of 10-foot-tall feline-like creatures who live in spiritual harmony with their forest planet of Pandora. Humans have traveled to Pandora after plundering the natural resources of Earth. So far, the Na’vi have resisted the infiltration of the humansContinue Reading