Dead Alive (1992)
If you enjoyed Evil Dead 2, then you might want to take a look at this New Zealand-made horror comedy. Dead Alive, also known as Brain Dead, is a wonderfully zany and gross little film that somehow hasn’t gained too much recognition here in the United States. The film opensContinue Reading
Evil Dead 2 (1987)
Evil Dead 2 is a strange little movie. Actually, that’s a bit of an understatement. Evil Dead 2 is more than just a strange little movie. It’s a fun, scary and purely gross way to spend 85 minutes of your life. Why I am reviewing a sequel before the original?Continue Reading
Addicted to Love (1997)
Romantic comedies are pretty much a dime a dozen. They’re usually quite predictable and too cute for their own good. Addicted to Love falls mostly into that same mold but, somehow, it remains quite watchable. Matthew Broderick plays Sam, an astronomer, who’s in love with Linda (Kelly Preston), a grade-schoolContinue Reading
Amazon Women on the Moon (1987)
Sometimes movie makers try to pack too much of a good thing into a single film. Or, as in the case of Amazon Women on the Moon, they can think they’re adding lots of good things when, in fact, they’re diluting the film into a soupy mess. Amazon Women onContinue Reading
The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
The summer movie season has kicked off and the movie that ended up being the first out of the chute is most typical of summer film fare. It’s big, loud and chock-full of special effects and stupid characters. Granted, no one goes to the summer action films to be educated.Continue Reading
The Fifth Element (1997)
The Fifth Element recently opened to rather boffo box-office. I assume that the re-release of the Star Wars trilogy hasn’t quite whet the sci-fi appetites of the movie-going public. Personally, I think that’s a good thing especially if it means that more movies like The Fifth Element are waiting in the wings. It is byContinue Reading
Leaving Las Vegas (1995)
Whew! Having heard reviewers sing its praises and watching Nicolas Cage receive the Best Actor Academy Award in 1996 for this performance was not enough to prepare me for the experience of watching Leaving Las Vegas. The only word that I can use to describe the experience is “haunting.” BenContinue Reading