Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)
Have you ever wondered what all of those high school friends you haven’t seen for years have gone off and done with themselves? Would you be particularly surprised if one of them had become a professional killer? Well, in Grosse Pointe Blank, that’s what Martin Q. Blank (John Cusack) has done.Continue Reading
Chasing Amy (1997)
Kevin Smith, responsible for Clerks and Mallrats, is back with the third installment of his “New Jersey Trilogy.” After getting spectacular reviews for Clerks, most critics, including me, panned the disappointing Mallrats for being too juvenile and too quick to go for cheap laughs. Smith apparently took the criticism toContinue Reading
Trainspotting (1996)
Trainspotting follows Renton (Ewan McGregor) and his band of friends, most of them heroin addicts, through their trials and tribulations on the streets and backrooms of Edinburgh, Scotland. Renton is determined to get off heroin and make something of himself, but routinely falls prey to temptation and returns to theContinue Reading
Eraser (1996)
Action films have really gotten outrageous over the last few years. With the introduction of computer-generated special effects, many action movies have gone completely over-the-top in their attempts to up the ante in the “drop the audience’s jaw” game. 1996’s Eraser walks the fine line of being over-the-top but remainingContinue Reading
Liar Liar (1997)
Liar Liar marks Jim Carrey’s return from his “darker” role in last summer’s disappointing The Cable Guy, which turned off many Carrey fans and did little to attract new ones. Liar Liar presents us with the lighter, less psychotic, but in no way less manic, Carrey. The story is centeredContinue Reading
Mother (1996)
Albert Brooks’ movies have consistently been intelligent and hilarious, without compromising either quality. Upon hearing his latest movie was about a divorced man moving back in with his mother, I feared that Brooks would “sell out” and attempt a movie that would appeal to the sitcom crowd. Thankfully, I wasContinue Reading
Kingpin (1996)
Woody Harrelson, Bill Murray and Randy Quaid team up with the makers of Dumb & Dumber to pull off one of the funniest comedies I’ve seen in a long time. It’s vulgar, crude, lewd and downright cheap in spots, but it’s funny and that’s the redeeming quality here. As the movie opens,Continue Reading