Santa Jaws (2018)

What hath Sharknado wrought? Ever since 2013’s bizarro CGI shark movie aired on SyFy, there have been a rash of whacked out shark movies on the channel. Sharknado wasn’t the first but it was the most popular of these campy and implausible flicks. Films like Trailer Park Shark, Dinoshark, andContinue Reading

2017’s 47 Meters Down was a shark thriller about two women trapped underwater with great white sharks and a rapidly depleting air supply. The sequel, 47 Meters Down: Uncaged, has absolutely nothing in common with the original other than it’s about four girls trapped underwater with great white sharks andContinue Reading

I’m a sucker for shark movies. Although no film is likely to ever top Jaws as the best shark movie of all time, I continue to watch any shark movie that I can get my hands on. Sometimes, the movies are surprisingly good, like Open Water, but usually they’re prettyContinue Reading

The Asylum are known for cranking out “mockbusters”, low-budget knock-offs of highly anticipated theatrical films. Typically, they air on SyFy or appear on store shelves around the same time as the movie they’re meant to imitate is released to piggyback on the interest for the original movie. A roll callContinue Reading

As The Meg opens, we’re introduced to Jonas Taylor (Jason Statham), a deep-sea rescue expert, on a mission to save some people from a submarine. Something large and incredibly strong causes the death of two of his crew. Although Jonas rescues 11 people, his story gets him labeled as aContinue Reading

A friend of mine once confessed to me a fear of swimming in the ocean. He said it was the fear of not knowing what could be underneath him that bothered him more than anything else. After seeing Open Water, I think I agree with him. Based on true events, Open Water followsContinue Reading

Red Water (2003)

Name all the good shark movies you’ve ever seen. OK, there’s Jaws and, um, maybe Jaws 2. Oh, Deep Blue Sea wasn’t horrible. That’s about it. We won’t be adding Red Water to that list, that’s for sure. Red Water features such cinema luminaries as Coolio, Kristy Swanson (the originalContinue Reading